Maintenance Tips to Quiet a Noisy AC

Air conditioning units play a key role in cooling homes especially in the hottest months of summer. By design, AC units produce humming sounds when in operation. However, the sounds should be within a controllable range. Homeowners who have lived through noisy AC units can tell you how inconveniencing they can be. There are many causes of AC noises one of which is old age.

Overview of AC Units Operation

Before delving into the various causes of AC noise and how to address them, it is important to have an idea of how your AC units operate. In cooling your home, AC units employ a number of components including condenser and evaporator coils, fans, AC compressor, and refrigerant. With time, the advancement in technology has enabled manufacturers not only to reduce the energy consumed by AC units, but also the noise they emit.

In targeting noise reduction, AC manufacturers have targeted key areas, processes, and components responsible for the noisy operations. Some of the targeted components are:

  • The indoor fans
  • Startup processes
  • Vibrating components inside the AC unit
  • Outdoor components

Reducing Noise for an Existing AC Unit

If you are yet to upgrade to a more efficient and quieter AC unit, you can take advantage of the services offered by HVAC technicians in your area to reduce your AC unit noise. Some of the measures which have proved effective in noise reduction include:

  • Use of a sound blanket – This method is effective in muffling noise and reducing its unpleasant effects not just to you as the homeowner, but also your neighbors.
  • Noise reduction fence – This is a less costly method of deflecting noise. You use a simple wooden fence which is built slightly higher than the outdoor unit of the AC. It is important that you leave space around the unit so that it can properly ventilate.
  • Installing a quiet fence – Just like in sound studios, you too can take advantage of noise dampening technologies by installing a quiet fence. These are mainly targeted at the outdoor unit which is the main source of the noise.
  • AC maintenance – If the noise is caused by a poorly maintained AC unit, it is advisable to contact HVAC professionals to assess the efficiency of your system. Most of the times, homeowners, especially those without maintenance plans tend to stay for long without a proper AC maintenance session. Not only does this weaken the functionality of your system, but also makes it costly to operate.

Complete AC Replacement

If your current AC unit is old and maintaining it is costlier than buying a new one, you may want to replace it with a much more efficient unit. The mistake most homeowners make is heading straight to a manufacturer outlet and buying an AC unit. The best approach is to contact an expert in heating and cooling in Tamarac, Florida to help you assess your cooling needs and recommend a properly sized unit.

New AC units come with improved technologies such as AC compressor insulation and mounting which effectively reduces the noise they emit. Fans have also been improved in design through the incorporation of venting technologies which muffle the sound of air getting out of the system.

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