Does Your House have Drafts? Here’s How to Find Them

One of the major problems with households during winter and summer is how to control the outflow and inflow of heat. House drafts let in heat during summer and in the course of winter, they let the heat escape. This can be quite unhealthy and uncomfortable and environmentally unfriendly. In order to have a convenient atmosphere during winter and summer, there needs to be a deliberate move to identify and eliminate drafts. Doing this will also decrease your energy bills by about 10 percent.

Windows are the common places where you can find drafts. If you move your hand over the window frame of the house, you will feel a soft breeze in the places where there are drafts. Heavy curtains have been used in several occasions to contain the drafts. For older houses, weather stripping or caulking may be necessary to eliminate heat escapes. Depending on the prevailing circumstances, purchasing of energy-efficient windows can also be recommended as an extreme measure to contain the drafts.

The front and back doors may also contain drafts. Heat usually escapes from the opening at the bottom of the door or through the door frames. If you identify drafts in these locations, you should install a door sweep at the bottom of the door so as to keep the drafts out. You can also replace screen doors with storm doors. These doors prevent drafts from entering your home.

Chimneys are also another source of drafts. You need to pay close attention to the airflow that occurs near the fire place. Whenever the fireplace is not in use, you need to cover the opening securely.

The insulation around the basement, the attics and eaves can also be sources through which heat escapes. You need to examine carefully the kind of installation and establish whether it was done well. In case of any installation errors, you need to get in touch with HVAC professionals who will be able to rectify the problem.

Lighting fixtures and electrical outlets are some of the problematic areas. Though often ignored, such areas can be sources of drafts. Ensure that you visit your local hardware so as to purchase draft-proofing gaskets. These have been used on several occasions and they have been found to be effective in eliminating drafts.

When you walk into your house with a lit candle and the flame starts to flicker or go out, you should be suspicious of draft nearby. This is one of the easiest ways of identifying drafts.

Getting in touch with an HVAC company for free inspections is one of the effective options you can use to identify drafts. In addition to saving money, a free home inspection will also identify other issues that you may not have known they exist.

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